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新北市瑞芳區、雙溪區 Shuangxi Dist./Ruifang Dist., New Taipei City


Completed Year

3.192 km



Construction Completed


新北市政府 New Taipei City Government



本案計畫路線由牡丹車站經舊三貂嶺隧道,再穿越三瓜子隧道以棧橋銜接猴三公路(三貂嶺車站對岸),長度約3,192 公尺。

舊三貂嶺隧道和三瓜子隧道竣工於1922 年,1924 年宜蘭線開通後經歷六十餘年火車繁忙穿梭,1985 年隨著產業變遷、單軌火車停駛而封閉,開始長達三十七年的無人為擾動,意外凍結隧道內的時空軌跡;本計畫重新開啟舊三貂嶺隧道與三瓜子隧道,踏進自然已悄然共生的後工業空間,隧道中頻繁往來六十年的鐵道運輸痕跡仍清晰可見。

(1) 保留場所精神- 在整個執行過程中,我們以充足環境調查為基礎,持續避免清乾抹淨環境中的物件與紋理。

(2) 空間語彙及材質單純化,模組化並運用單質材料-「鋼筋」,聚焦於體驗環境變化與特色

(3) 將路徑高架,不抹去環境特質,保留可閱讀的地貌紋理。


In response to the competition for the development of a hiking route through two abandoned railway tunnels, we took a clear option : preserve the post-industrial landscape in all its historical AND ecological depth. The passage of time has produced ecological, atmospheric, acoustic, chromatic and luminous variations, which are the core of our proposal.

Despite this attitude of withdrawal in favour of the ambiances, heavy interventions were necessary.
The challenge was to conceal the project's efforts to let the old structure and the landscape speak for themselves.
A single material, iron, repeated ad infinitum, builds a transparent floor and makes us forget its presence.
It evokes the 2 great phenomena of the last 100 years:
- the steel bars build a new railway
- the voids between them show the powerful action of tropical nature
By lifting and bending almost imperceptibly, the steel bars gradually give shape to the ground but also to all the elements : railings, benches, steps ....
In the tunnels, we explore the depth of the ground in semi-darkness, but on the footbridge, we discover the distant reliefs, from a tortuous balcony, stuck to the sinuosities of the cliff. We then walk on the canopy of the vegetation.

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