Two gardens with distinct colors will be established surrounding Hualien East Station.
The fern garden on the side of the station is a miniature of Mei-ren Mountain behind, and it leads the visitors to immediately see Hualien¡¦s remarkable mountainous scene while walking out of the station. In the front of the pavilions, a golden garden expresses seasonal looks by color changes, especially the blooming season corresponding to the summertime that visitors streaming into Hualien. The vivid-colorful gardens strengthen the characteristic welcoming atmosphere of Hualien East Station.
位置 Location
面積 Size
完工時間 Completed Year
狀態 Status
花蓮縣花蓮市 Hualien City, Hualien County
2,000 m²
Construction Completed
業主 Client
團隊 Team
花蓮縣政府 Hualien County Government
張樞建築師事務所 Shu Chang & associates, architects
獲獎紀錄 Awards