Environment has always been the critical element for Ju Ming to corporate to enhance his sculptures. We started to work on the spatial design beside an existing pond in 2008, in order to home the Scientist Series sculptures.
The design is to greened and soften the edges of the existing pond. The main circulation and the placements of the sculpture interweaved and appear along the water edge, launching conversations between the sculptures and the viewers. The white sculptures are intentionally placed on green carpets, where the white is more vibrant and future maintenance or replacement can easily be done. The central pond reflects the surrounding and amplified the sensational experience of walking in the woods.
Therefore, the landscape surrounding the science area is no longer simply a pedestrian walk and a conventional pond, but an integrated part of the art work, encouraging interactions between people, sculptures, and the natural world.
位置 Location
面積 Size
完工時間 Completed Year
狀態 Status
新北市金山區 Jinshan Dist., New Taipei City
4,020 m²
Construction Completed
業主 Client
團隊 Team