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The project site was originally a cemetery, and was divided into two segments by a road. It was isolated from the urban fabric by irrigation canals on both borders. This open space appears as back lane to all the surrounding houses, it doesn't connect or belong anywhere.
The landscape design introduce water from canals into the park, it not only strengthens the park ecology, it also creates a waterside leisure space for citizen to enjoy and engage. By strategically preserving the lush shade trees on site, and integrating bamboo groves that symbolizes the classic scene of the Yiwei War, this planting scheme establishes unique atmosphere for children to experience the playgrounds with a sense of the history and site memories. In return, children deliver hope to the site and to the city through their laughter.

位置 Location

面積 Size

完工時間 Completed Year

狀態 Status

桃園市平鎮區 Pingzhen Dist., Taoyuan City

4 ha


Construction Completed

業主 Client

團隊 Team

桃園市政府 Taoyuan City Government


獲獎紀錄 Awards

[object Object]

© 2025 by dA VISION DESIGN

dA VISION DESIGN 達觀規劃設計顧問有限公司

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